The Company
Artemel & Associates, Inc. was founded in 1995 as a woman-owned successor to Artemel & Associates. Since 1995, Artemel & Associates has focused on:
Market and feasibility studies
Sustainable land use development
Management of economic development organizations.
Our principals are highly experienced in all facets of planning and real estate development, and have a long record of successfully bringing sustainable, mixed use, and transit-oriented projects through the full local government approvals process. Our focus on project feasibility includes skills in:
Assessing the carrying capacity of a parcel of land
Determining the highest and best use, including single family attached and detached housing, for sale and for rent mid to high level apartments and condos; office buildings; free-standing retail and shopping centers; hotels; museums; tourism facilities; and …
Assembling or working with a project team that includes architects, engineers, transportation analysts, land use attorneys, archaeologists, and other specialists
Organizing effective community outreach efforts
Negotiating to a win-win for the property owner, developer, and community
Representing the project at civic and business association meetings and at local government public hearings, as well as at the staff level.
We have an established track record of obtaining project approvals in complex areas, near Metro stations or projects featuring a mix of uses. After approval, projects we are involved with frequently become a valued part of their neighborhoods and contribute to a strong urban fabric and community feeling. Our interest in appropriate and sustainable development translates to effective strategic planning and management of locally-focused economic development organizations – helping neighborhoods and aging commercial corridors with revitalization and new infill development that complements the existing fabric while adding new jobs and housing units.